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Saturday 27 July 2024
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Citerna Photography 2013

Citerna (PG) -

Back to the fifth edition of CiternaFotografia, a festival dedicated to photography and its ability to investigate the human soul, with exhibitions, lectures, portfolio reviews, meetings and workshops. Fairy-tale frame of this review is the small village of Citerna, in the province of Perugia, a terrace overlooking the valley of the Tiber in Umbria where every detail is taken care of and the atmosphere seems to have stopped time.

The exhibitions will be open in the Umbrian village, until June 9. This year's theme is "border line", a subject that lends itself to many readings and that will be addressed by Francesco Cito, Antonio Manta and other authors present in Citerna.

I quote in 1995 was awarded the third prize for reportage of the World Press Photo with "Neapolitan Wedding" and in 1996 the first prize for reportage with "Siena, the Palio." Will be present in Citerna with "Afghanistan" and his personal "Coma - suspended lives," a painful journey and respectful in the stories of David, Frederick, Cristina and many other lives-lives not in terms of vegetative state. A work that tells the "border line" between life and death, in hospitals, in homes and structures that welcome men and women in a coma for decades.

It is the border "physical" instead of a local star of "19 square meters of hell" by Antonio Manta: a photographic production realized in a bar in Zambia where the author, in the wake of an expedition to the charity " Eyes of Hope ", which here has achieved important successes, he portrayed a significant representation of human and social development with its difficulties, its dramas, its dramatic beauty. A boundary which, precisely as such, can speak where otherwise it would not be possible.

"Eyes of Hope" is present at CiternaFotografia even with a collective fotografiGianfranco Amadori, Andrea Braschi, Carlo Landucci, Paul Pagni and Fulvio Zubiani, who with Antonio Manta present to the public on Sunday, April 28th at 21 in the premises of the festival.

CiternaFotografia is inserted in the circuit of Portfolio Italy. During the first week of the festival events will take place the readings for the competition portfolio Portfolio Portfolio CiternaFotografia and Italy. On display are the works of the winners of this year 2012: "Turkish blue gold" of Thomas Protti, a job on the water in Turkey (Winner Portfolio Italy 2012) and "In the name of the children" by Marika Puicher (Winner 2012 Portfolio section CiternaFotografia), dedicated work to the civilian victims of the massacres and terrorist attacks that have shaken the democratic foundations of our country.

Info: Silvia Poledrini


tel. + +39 349 4763830

silvia.poledrini @ vaegas.it

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]


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