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Our children and technology. Resources and Hazards - Meeting in Marsciano

Marsciano (PG) - Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at the Sala Aldo Capitini - Square offices. 20.45 The meeting will be held: "Our children and technology. Resources and dangers. " Computer, television, video games and cell phones are tools and as such are neither good nor bad, depends on the use made of it.

What are the limits within which it is useful for children to use this technology? And what are the effects when these limits are exceeded? Parents and educators are questioning to understand how the development of the movement, language and creative skills can be influenced by modern high-tech equipment and are increasing concerns about the potential health damage caused by radiation felefoni phones and wi-fi. Yet we live in our world and make use of modern technology. The way to a possible balance between resources and hazards there is shown a vision of health that does not correspond to the absence of disease, but to promote health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social."

For more information: City of Marsciano - tel. 075.8747247/41
www.comune.marsciano.pg.it - ​​e-mail: beni.culturali @ comune.marsciano.pg.it.

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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