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Saturday 04 May 2024
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The "mmira aluminum jalle" 2013

Norcia (PG) - Saturday, August 10, 2013 in Castelluccio di Norcia back the event "The mmira lu Jalle. Every year Santesi / festaroli for the Feast of St. Mary of the Assumption (mid-August) are preparing to organize the party to the Madonna. The first task that must fulfill is that of "mmira lu jalle."

This ancient custom that takes place every year is to touch with a long pole, blindfolded, tied a rooster live on the land of the small square in front of the Church of Castelluccio.
It 'a great test of skill that requires concentration, strength in arms, good hearing and a lot of smarts.
At 21.00 we meet all the Piazzetta in front of the Church of St. Maria Assunta where Santesi-festaroli placed a rooster. The festaroli, after putting the pole on the ground with the tip touching the cock, put a stone at the opposite end of the pole. This stone represents the limit that the shooter must not exceed. It starts the race: each participant is blindfolded and, after several rounds of whether sixth, took the pole to touch the cock that is passed from festaroli.
It goes on until someone, aided by fate or by his skill, touch the cock. At that point, a cry of the crowd marks the victory.
Generally, this race gets to take up to two hours to the delight of festaroli.
After "Lu Jalle" you will rise to the formwork or Mount upstand where you will be able to rely on a clear sky full of stars and your desires while you admire the shooting stars in the night of San Lorenzo.
For info: Pro Loco di Castelluccio - Tel 338 3078022 - prolococastelluccio@libero.it - ​​www.castellucciodinorcia.eu - facebook.com / valnerina

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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