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Sunday 28 April 2024
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Benedictine Celebrations 2014

Norcia (PG) - Spring comes in Norcia bringing with it one of the deepest and most important festivals: the feast of St. Benedict who was born in this town in the fifth century. AD The celebration in honor of St. Benedict, is not just a festival in honor of the patron, but charging, because of the importance of the Holy, meanings and messages that depart from Norcia and spread throughout Europe, of which Benedict will is the Patron.

And in a sign of Europe, every year is the torch called Pro Pace, who a few years ago, crossing the borders of Europe, is turned into a capital in the world and comes in Norcia on the evening of March 20.
The next day in Norcia, the parade Historical Parade, honoring the patron saint, takes place according to the rules laid down in the statutes and in the Riformanze the town of Norcia, stored in 'Historical Archives.

For more info: no. Information Norcia - tel. 0743.828173

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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