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Friday 24 May 2024
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Process Bastola

Gualdo Tadino (PG) - The event process to Bastola, born from a collaboration between the Cultural Association "Art & Surroundings", the Entity Games of the doors and the Museums of the City of Gualdo Tadino, under the patronage of the Municipality of Gualdo Tadino, will be held Friday, September 20 at 18.15 at the Rocca Flea. Followed by a traveling exhibition of the works of John Biscontini, visible 21 to 29 September at eleven years of the historic center of the city.

Who does not know, in Gualdo, the history of Bastola?
Everybody and nobody actually, because the historical sources tell us very little about this "witch" and the fire that destroyed the city in the Middle Ages. Everyone can have their say.

On September 20, two young talents will tell their.
Exactly one week before the Games of the Gates, the striking Rocca Flea will host the works of John Biscontini, illustrator and musician, inspired by "Bastola. The lady in the fire ", a book written by Francis Jubilees, born in Cesena but its origins are Gualdese, editorial director of the magazine Historica.
The tables, brightly colored and highly evocative images, will be introduced at the Hall of the City, only to be revealed to the public through a real narrative stage: directed by Marco Yachts and written by Lara Simonaitis, freely inspired to "Bastola. The lady of the fire, "the story of the ancient enemy of Gualdo progressively take life thanks to the Society" Art & Surroundings ", the Tamburini Ente Games of doors and people of the city.


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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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