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Wednesday 08 May 2024
Italiano English


Music and solidarity: "I would like black skin"

Todi (PG) - Saturday 18th (21.15) and Sunday, January 19th (17:30) at the Teatro Municipal of Todi, again available up to the fourth order, appointment of new music and show solidarity with the "I would like black skin" that AVIS Todi, with the support and the collaboration of the City of Todi, together revive the historic Blues band Neutral MAC

Arriving at the 17th edition, the show traces the history of black music in a musical journey through various genres from soul to funk, gospel, blues and blues rithm. We will listen and listen again, creating space for large pieces both overseas artists that Italians who have ventured on these rhythms, reinterpreted through the arrangements of maestro Sergio Lupattelli, which this year returns to the stage as well as a musician, notes the historical band, voices become very popular in the local landscape.

Information and ticket reservations
Municipal Tourist Office and Ticket internal Theatre (January 16: 15-19.30; JANUARY 17: 9-13 and 15-19.30; JANUARY 18: 9-12.30 and 15 until the beginning of the show; JANUARY 19: 15 until the beginning of the show).

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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