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Festival of Nations makes a stop in Umbertide

Umbertide (PG) - Thursday, September 4th Festival of Nations makes a stop in Umbertide with music and

The Festival of Nations returns to make a stop in Umbertide. Thursday, September 4 at

18.30 at the Church of San Francesco
tifernate the prestigious festival, now in its

47th edition and this year is dedicated to Armenia, propose the music concert

Healing from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century "Physician of the pain is for the men singing" with

Umbra Lucis and Virginia Pattie Kerovpyan (Armenian song).

The music has always been considered a remedy against the harshness of existence

and a soothing of some mental disorders. Its beneficial effect was irradiated

on the human, as the natural, with no differences of status, age, or gender, as

that its therapeutic power attivasse a pre-ontological dimension and the cultural,

as if it were a gift given to men expelled from the Garden of Eden. The figures

This mythical power exercised or have suffered are countless:

Apollo, physician and inventor of the music as well as the father of the god of medicine

Aesculapius, drives away evil by humans; King Saul is pulled away from the torments and

by melancholy, by the sound of the harp of David. The latter is the archetype

the saving power of music in the world Christianized; a power that the manuals

exorcists there turn out to be so pervasive as to be able to drive even the

devil. The program offered by Umbra Lucis want to give a testimonial

the therapeutic function of music through a compilation of songs of ages and

different contexts, which have exercised that function for centuries. Several will be the

examples of Armenian music, which testify to the deep integration of music

of that culture with the everyday social life, with the habits of life

religious and the effectiveness of a healing ritual dimension that has been passed down

orally for centuries. For information or www.festivalnazioni.com 075


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[Source: Umbria OnLine]


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