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Sunday 08 September 2024
Italiano English


The Assisi Underground - Guided tours of the Roman domus

Assisi (PG) - Hidden in the foundations of Assisi is hidden the most ancient history of the city, one that tells the Roman colony past: until May, every Sunday, you can take part in guided tours of the domus of Propertius and the "Lararium domus", a 'unique opportunity to discover places that have exceeded the time to reveal this "little Pompeii".

Both domus are rich in decoration, with original marble floors and precious frescoes that testify to the prosperity of customers and the high level of the workers.

The domus di Properzio, found under the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, is composed of three adjoining rooms that the walls have numerous graffiti with poetic verses, one of which mentions a domus musae: for this reason it was thought that the house could belong to the poet Properzio. However, this hypothesis has never been confirmed for lack of archaeological and historical elements.

The domus of Lararium under Giampè Palace, is located seven meters underground. One of the elements of greatest interest is the presence of the elevation of the walls, which is rare outside of Rome and Pompeii, preserved for more than 4 meters high in all environments unearthed.

This domus can be visited only from vision to ensure the preservation of the beautiful mosaics and recently restored frescoes.

openings times with guided tour

From February to May: every Sunday at 15:00 starting from IAT Assisi (Piazza del Comune, 22).

Cost: € 8.00 per person; 4:00 € from 7 to 14 years; free under 7 years.

Special opening days: 26-27 and March 28, Monday, April 25.

Info and reservations:

Booking is essential.

Call Center System tel Museum. 199 151 123 (Monday to Friday from 9 to 15) - callcenter@sistemamuseo.it

IAT Assisi tel. 075. 8138680 - assisi@sistemamuseo.it

You can also book exclusive tour for two with private guide.

For more information:

[Source: Umbria OnLine]


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