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Laboratory of Communication in Relationships

Perugia (PG) - Laboratory of Communication in Relationships

Laboratory of communication in relationships

report PERUGIA


hours on Tuesdays 17:00 to 7:00 p.m.

by September 16, 2014


first meeting free

led by Dr. Gabriella Buonomo

The Laboratory is primarily an 'Experience of Communication. An 8 meetings between the words we use and the relationship that we live with them.
A healthy communication helps to discern between what we feel and what we really communicate. Contact the other is relationship, our every gesture, word, emotion, therefore, are related to someone. The Report is the heart of human activity in all its forms. Communicate effectively helps to invest better and fruitful our goals, our needs, our demands.
In this experience, we can discover or rediscover the fundamental tools to produce in life and in relationships, more positive dynamics within relational scenarios sometimes difficult, complex or painful. By learning to adopt attitudes that can support the achievement of goals or projects, on the existential, emotional and professional.

This course is open to all and can be particularly useful to: professionals and trainers who need to work together groups or individuals; cultural mediators; doctors and lawyers, and in any case, people who work in a profession of mediation between the parties; teachers, parents and students; all those who work and take care of "humanity."
It 'an experience that can not live anyone who feels the need, or who intuit that the time has come to make a change to their relationships.

Working methodology:

improve communication by stimulating listening to each other;
develop an empathetic attitude;
known sensory channels in the communication;
know your "emotional quotient";
learn how to establish a "relationship";
promote self-acceptance;
observe and evaluate;
components of appreciation;
how to overcome situations of hardship and insecurity;
promote the understanding of communicative messages in the report;
figure out what type you are: auditory, visual, kinesthetic;
distinguish the stimulus from the cause, the creation of concepts;
verbalize the form of request;
strengthen the capacities of expression;
build in autonomy;
components of authenticity.

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Phone: 3926019507
Email: inforinoceronteteatro.it
Website: http://www.rinoceronteteatro.it/

[Source: Umbria OnLine]


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