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Saturday 27 July 2024
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Fifth edition of the international journalism prize "Tell-Stories on Umbria Umbria"

Perugia (PG) - The Chambers of Commerce of Perugia and Terni have organized the fifth edition of the international journalism prize "Tell Umbria Umbria on-Stories," which will be held in Perugia, during the International Festival of Journalism in May 2014.

The competition, whose participation is free of charge, is reserved for articles and videos that have dealt with the artistic-cultural-environmental and the economic and productive system of quality in the region, helping to give visibility to Umbria in Italy and in the world and to its territory and exploit the best productions of the business system Umbria.
Also, and this is the big news of the ban in 2014, was created a special section "Social" to reward the best product videos that tell the beauty and charm of Umbria, declined in its multifaceted cultural, tourist and gastronomic.

The purpose of the special prize is to find new ways to tell Umbria, in line with the language of social networks and their modes of expression, to return a promotional unusual and eye-catching in the region. Each author may submit only one video contribution. The videos will then be judged by a jury, who will express their vote through the mechanism of "like", clicking on the Facebook page of the prize "Tell Umbria" the favorite video.

Beyond the special section of the Prize will be divided into sections as usual print, video and web for articles published photo-journalistic services or aired between January 1, 2013 and February 28, 2014. Each author may submit to the secretariat of the award up to a maximum of two contributions.

The articles and television reports will be examined by a commission appointed by the Chambers of Commerce of Perugia and Terni, composed of experts in the field of competition.

Also this year, as in the previous edition, the Commission will select, for each of the three categories, a shortlist of 3 finalists candidates to victory. who will be invited to attend the awards ceremony: only during the ceremony will be announced the articles and video winners.
The award ceremony will be held during 2014 edition of the International Journalism Festival in Perugia (April 30-May 4 in 2014).

Deadline to submit to the Secretariat of the Award application form for the three sections of print, video and web 30 March 2014.
Deadline to submit to the Secretariat of the Award application form for the special section Social: February 28, 2014.

All relevant information, to participate in the notice and forms are published on the website of the Chamber of Commerce of Perugia www.pg.camcom.gov.it.

Remember that it's also the facebook page of the online prize: enter and click on "like" to be up to date news.

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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