Amelia (TR) -
From June 14 to 29 in Amelia: June 14 An event for the city: Piazza Motors - "greatest hits" - "Circuit Pirincio" - VIII cycling time trial Amelia at night with Team Battistelli Furniture - Amelia June 15 "Caravan Hills Amerini with media era" in the wake of the Gran Fondo with Team Battistelli Furniture - Amelia June 21 to 22 "Discovering the history of Amelia and the products of his land ..." Balestra Antica Italian Championship with the Army ... Read more
Perugia (PG) -
In the region of Umbria, the activity is carried out by the Food Bank of Umbria non-profit organization. Founded in 1995 with a commitment to adhere to and implement in its scope, goals that are at the foundation of the Food Bank Foundation, with the passage of time has grown around it is the demands of the Convention by the Charitable Structures of the territory, both the opportunities to engage people around this act of Christian charity. This year, in addition to the National Day Food ... Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Saturday, June 14th the pedestrian area of Corso Cavour host "BORGOBELLO FAIR" marketplace of artisans and hobbyists. Time: from 9 to 19. The market is organized by the association "BEAUTIFUL VILLAGE." Info: - Tel 349 3725746 Read more
Perugia (PG) -
The vocal-instrumental ensemble "Crossroads Sound" presents Villa Aureli-Castel del Piano, followed by a CONCERT DINNER BUFFET. Program: romancero GYPSY for 4 voices and guitar, of M.Castelnuovo-German texts by Garcia Lorca. For info and reservations call 340.645.9061 opp. to 347.487.66.79 by Thursday June 12. Read more
Marsciano (PG) -
The association of social promotion Makeba and the Bank of Marsciano time, under the patronage of the Municipality of Marsciano and collaboration of Riciclamiche of Perugia, organized the "BarattoMundo", the first barter market in the historic center of Marsciano which will take place on Saturday 14th June from 15.00 to 20.00 in Largo Garibaldi. The initiative is promoted by Makeba and the Bank of Marsciano time, under the patronage of the Municipality of Marsciano and collaboration ... Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Saturday, June 14th, as every third Saturday of the month from 08.00 to 18.00 will be held in Ponte San Giovanni, in the parking lot at the CVA, the farmer's market craft conscious. The market is held by farmers and craftspeople who sell their products in the local area. This initiative is based on principles such as short chain, natural farming, environmental sustainability, the defense of common goods and a fair and transparent pricing. By purchasing the products in this market you ... Read more
Bevagna (PG) -
Every third Sunday of the month, in the streets of the historic center, antiques, crafts, DIY, collectibles, local produce. For uteriori information: +39 36 0742 1667 +39 36 0742 8111 Read more
San Venanzo (TR) -
The Association of Friends Rotecastello is pleased to invite all Sunday, June 15 HOURS 21.00 at the City of Serra San Venanzo for the presentation made by Prof. Giancarlo PLASTIC Busts VOLUME and published by the Pro Loco of San Venanzo on the history of our country. Speakers Prof. Luca Montecchi The Geologist Lucio Finches The parish of San Venanzo The initiative is promoted by the Municipality and Pro site of San Venanzo. Read more
Orvieto (TR) -
From June 15 to July 6, 2014. Concerts of classical music - Association "Orvieto Musica", Art Direction Nyela Basney, String Ensemble Madeline Neely, Art of opera singing Susan Hochmiller, TrumpetFest Amy Gilreath, Italian Language and Culture Olga's House, Martina Sciucchino collaboration. Founded in 1994, "Orvieto Musica" aims to bring to Orvieto young musicians and singers from different countries to exchange music and culture. Over 550 have been, in recent years, ... Read more