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Saturday 27 July 2024
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September 2012

Foligno (PG) - Now in its 33rd edition, the Segni Barocchi Festival in Foligno will run from September 1st to 23rd with a host of events ranging from concerts to exhibitions, theatre performances and film screenings - all focussing on the baroque era culture of the 17th century.
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Amelia (TR) - On September 1st Fornole will be holding its "Tutto in una notte" white night, offering all kinds of entertainment and activities in the old town centre through to the early hours of the morning.
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Perugia (PG) - On September 1st and 2nd the Sant'Anna cloister will be hosting the Human Beings drama lab in their latest production entitled Spifferi - gioco scenico di varia umanità, directed by Danilo Cremonte.
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Perugia (PG) - From September 1st to 9th Santa Sabina will be hosting the CGIL trade union provincial festa.
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Castiglione del Lago (PG) - From September 1st to 15th Palazzo della Corgna will be running a solo show of works by Paola Dagioni.
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Panicale (PG) - On September 1st and 2nd Tavernelle will be holding its Festa della Pannocchia, featuring recently harvested corn on the cob, music and entertainment.
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Panicale (PG) - On September 1st at 9pm in the Church of the Madonna della Sbarra there will be a recital given by the Chambre d'Ecoute ensemble entitled “Trialoghi. Polifonie per tre strumenti”. Piano Katharina Olivia Brand, cello Verena Sennekamp, oboe Christian Kemper. Part of this year's edition of Musica Insieme Panicale.
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Gubbio (PG) - On September 1st, 2nd and 3rd Christians and non-Christians, believers and non-believers are all welcome to take part in the Assisi-Gubbio walk organised by the dioceces of Assisi and Guggio, Famiglie Francescane and various other organisations. The walk retraces the itinerary made between these two city by St Francis, with the intention of evoking the great saint's universal spiritual message.
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Spoleto (PG) - From September 1st to 30th the “L’ultimo maestro d’arte” exhibition of sculptures made by students of the Leoncillo Leonardi art institute of Spoleto will run in Via Roma
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Foligno (PG) - Fulginart is running guided tours for primary and secondary schoolchildren to Palazzo Orfini, in Piazza della Repubblica (entrance from Via Pertichetti). An unmissable chance to learn more about paper and the origins of printing techniques in the patrician residence that housed one of the earliest local printing presses.
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