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Sunday 12 January 2025
Italiano English


May 2012

Amelia (TR) - Until June 9th the Pagliaricci sports facilities will be hosting the latest edition of the Luca Bellini five-a-side football tournament.
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Orvieto (TR) - From May 29th to June 20th the Teatro Mancinelli will be hosting the Argot Off contemporary drama review, which will culminate in a final selection of the works that have been presented.
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Perugia (PG) - On May 30th at 8.30pm the German Institute in Piazza Raffaello will be holding a screening of the Fatih Akin 2002 film Solino, a family melodrama set between Sicily and the Ruhr valley. Free admission. In the original language with Italian subtitles.
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Biagio Antonacci in Perugia Perugia (PG) - On May 30th the Palasport Evangelisti will be hosting the popular Italian songwriter and singer Biaggio Antonacci, as part of his 2012 nationwide tour.
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Avigliano Umbro (TR) - Until May 31st the town library of Avigliano will be running the "Leggere per crescere" series of sensorial, cognitive and affective activities for children aged 0 to 6. Every Thursday.
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Orvieto (TR) - As part of the events scheduled in town for this 2012 Settimana della Cultura, until May 31st the Orvieto state archives will be running an exhibition of hitherto inaccessible documents and periodicals from the Comune di Orvieto archies, the Archivio Notarile and the Pericle Perali archives. The exhibition is entitled "Memorie disvelate: nuovi documenti per la storia".
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Todi (PG) - Formed with the idea of promoting the artistic and monumental heritage of Todi, the Parco Culturale della Città di Todi comprises the town's finest monuments and a series of historic buildings that belong to the Comune, some of which are not normally open to the public. The city administration has also entrusted the Società Sistema Museo with the running of the Museo Pinacoteca, the Roman Cisterns, the bell tower of the Church of San Fortunato and the Parco Culturale itself.
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Todi (PG) - A visit up the bell tower of San Fortunato is well worth the climb, offering exceptional views over Todi and  as far as Tuscany. The imposing church, which is consecrated to the patron saint of Todi, was erected in 1291 by the Lesser Franciscan Friars but was not completed until the mid-15th century. The main facade sitll remains incomplete, infact. The most noteworthy artwork of the interior is the 15th century fresco by Masolino da Panicale of The Virgin Enthroned With the Holy ...
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Todi (PG) - The finely preserved Ancient Roman cisterns beneath Piazza del Popolo are an engineering feat and date back to the 1st century BC. The entrance to the public is from Via del Monte, just off the main square.
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Todi (PG) - Todi's city collection of pictures, housed within the Museo Pinacoteca in the Palazzi Comunale (12th century), consists of a varied and interesting series of sections that range from the history of the city to a collection of archaeological artefacts unearthed in nearby digs, a good collection of coins, antique textiles and a ceramic collection that is in a magnificently frescoed room. Among the most important pictures in the collection is the Spagna (1507/1511) altarpiece.
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