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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


January 2011

Amici della Musica Concert Season - Boris Berezovsky Perugia (PG) - Perugia (Pg). The Amici della Musica concert season continues on January 9th at 9pm in the Sala dei Notari with a recital given by Russian pianist Boris Berezovsky, who will be playing Chopin.
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Orvieto (TR) - Orvieto (Tr). For those fed up with fast food and all the short cuts that have crept into modern cooking standards Le ricette di Nonna Ada is a compendium of good old traditional Orvieto home cooking...
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. On January 10th at 5pm in the Teatro Morlacchi the Accademia del Donca, in collaboration with Finurbe, Ticchioni and Umbra Acque, has scheduled a lecture on the history of prostitution in Perugia with the title "Tra bordelli e osterie, tra papponi e 'donnine'". Introduction by Sandro Allegrini.
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Todi (PG) - Todi (Pg). Until January 16th Palazzo Morelli will be running a show of works by Marino Ficola, curated by Alan Jones. In Via del Duomo 23.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. On January 11th at 11am in the Sala Goldoniana of the Università per Stranieri there will be a Lectio Magistralis given by the supreme commander of Italy's armed forces, Gen. Vincenzo Campolini, with the title “Le forze armate italiane nelle operazioni di peacekeeping”.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. Wednesday January 12th, 7.30pm - midnight, La Tana dell'Orso: Welcome Party. Restaurant, DJ set and karaoke.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. From January 12th to 16th the Teatro Morlacchi will be running Lo Scarfalietto (Lo Scaldaletto) by Eduardo Scarpetta, directed by Geppy Gleijeses, with the popular Neapolitan comic actor Lello Arena. In 'understandable' Neapolitan dialect, the plot revolves around a young couple who decide to separate and end up in court...
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Orvieto (TR) - Orvieto (Tr). On January 12th at 3.30pm the Luigi Fumi library will be hosting a lecture on homeopathy entitled "La medicina omeopatica, possibilità e limiti", given by homeopathic doctor Giorgio Albani.
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Domenico Bruschi at Villa Fidelia Spello (PG) - Spello (Pg). Until April 16th Villa Fidelia will be honouring the 100th anniversary of the death of painter Domenico Bruschi (1840 – 1910) with a show devoted to the work of this prominent Risorgimento artist.
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Libera l'Arte Biennial Painting Competition in Assisi Assisi (PG) - Assisi (Pg). This year's Libera l'Arte biennial painting competition deadline has been fixed for January 31st, with the actual exhibition of entries scheduled to run from April 9th to 26th in Palazzo Monte Frumentario.
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