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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


December 2010

Perugia (PG) - Perugia. From December 1st to 5th the Teatro Morlacchi will be running Terra Padre, with Neri Marcorè, adapted from various short stories by Roberto Saviano.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia (Pg). The Vertical Inside association is holding climbing classes conducted by qualified instructors at the Palasport Evangelisti of Pian di Massiano.
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Marsciano (PG) - Marsciano (Pg). Marsciano's Banca del Tempo has organised a series of English language conversation groups aimed at beginners and advanced proficiency students. Anyone interested should come to the meeting scheduld for December 1st at 6pm at the Banca del Tempo, in Via Trento 3.
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Assisi (PG)
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia (Pg). Thursday December 2nd, 9.30pm - 2am, Urban Live Music Club: HEADBANGERS HALL: OLIVER DAWSON SAXON + RAIN + POLLUTION.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia (Pg). Thursday December 2nd, 9.30pm - 4am, Cantiere21: Festa di Ingegneria. PRIVE': DANIELE FEELFLY GIORGIO LUCERI LUCA PROCACCI ROBY ROCCA Show Barman, Immagine, Fotografi Ufficiali MOVE GENERATION, Gadgets & much more.
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Campello sul Clitunno (PG) - Campello sul Clitunno (Pg). On December 3rd at 9.15pm the Teatro Clitunno will be running Il venditore di Caldarroste, directed by Duccio Camerini - Alfonso Sessa. The tale of a band of Commedia dell'Arte actors travelling up through Italy from Naples to the Court of Louis XIV in France...
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Olive Oil Festival in Spello Spello (PG) - Spello (Pg). Spello's great annual festivity celebrating the internationally renowned local olive oil production will be back again from December 3rd to 8th and has now reached its 49th edition. As always, there will be a densely packed calendar of conferences, enactments of peasant life, tasting sessions, thematic dinners, concerts and more.
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Litfiba in Perugia Perugia (PG) - Perugia. Recently reunited, the popular Italian rock duo Litfiba will be in concert at the PalaEvangelisti on December 3rd as part of their tour across the country, singing old time favourites and new songs from their latest album “Stato libero”.
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Nocera Umbra (PG) - Nocera Umbra (Pg). The Christmas season in Nocera will get into full swing as from December 3rd, when the town's Christmas lighting will be switched on. But be sure not to miss the host of other events scheduled throughout the holidays up until January 6th. See below for the full programme in Italian...
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