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Saturday 27 July 2024
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The primimillegiorni

San Venanzo (TR) - On June 30, the first book festival with path inside and outside the castle walls. The Primimillegiorni to Colleungo defines the space ideal time (the first three years of life) which enable effective stimuli for brain development of the child. And 'scientifically proven that exposure to reading aloud and active music precious superior functions.

The Feast of Collelungo is the first step in the process of promotion and training regarding the theme of books and reading "aloud" to preschoolers, already active in that area and that will continue in line with the requirements of the project In vitro .

This course, aimed at building a "local network" for reading, aims to develop a synergy between the paediatricians, the actors of the book world (librarians, educators, teachers, educators, booksellers, etc. ..) and local entrepreneurs but also to other professionals (health care and social-cultural and economic journalists, etc ...), in order to support and implement, in the territory, a "Local Pact for reading" with the aim to increase in the medium to long term, the indices of reading.

For more information:
Umbria Region - Cultural Heritage Service
075 5045426-5464-5440
obartolucci@regione.umbria.it; gchiaretti@regione.umbria.it

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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