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Thursday 09 May 2024
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Deruta (PG) - INCONTRINTERRA, by Marinella Caputo, will be open from 18 January to 2 February 2014. Opening Saturday, January 18th at 17:00 Freemocco's house. The earth as clay is the common denominator for artists invited to this meeting. Express themselves and communicate through the earth is a prerogative of human civilization, from its beginnings to the contemporary research.

The ceramic plays an important role in the visual arts, design and craft as art, without conflict between the various areas in which you exert the skill and creativity of those who make ceramics. The ceramist usually has a curious and inquisitive nature and this attitude is entirely in line with the spirit of contemporary art.
A meeting between artists who employ a common expressive code, albeit with poetic visions and individual technical solutions, is a valuable opportunity to discuss, develop awareness, stimulate ideas.
The diversity in geographical and cultural artists, in the languages ​​employees and outcome of specific works, attests the power and strength of the medium.

nino caruso - Alan Caiger-smith - lucia angeloni - tonina cecchetti - antonella Cimatti - eraldo Chiucchiù - Marine Ficola - mirco deniccolò - luciano lakes - rita miranda - riccardo Muniz - jasmine pignatelli - attilio quintiles - giancarlo Sciannella - MAURITIUS Tittarelli Rubboli

freemocco's house
Via Vincioli 18
06053 DERUTA
ph. 349 1339086

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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