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Saturday 04 May 2024
Italiano English


FOR ANT ANT. Art mirror solidarity exhibition-market of painting, sculpture and photography

Perugia (PG) - FOR ANT ANT. Art mirror solidarity exhibition-market of painting, sculpture and photography in support of cancer prevention Ant in Umbria will be held November 13 to 18 at the Service Center Galeazzo Alessi, Ex Commodity Exchange, Via Mazzini. The ANT Foundation Italy, under the artistic direction of Andrea Baffoni and in collaboration with Luciano Cancelloni, Emidio De Stefano and Albentiis Chiacchella, promotes "ART for ANT," a project that was created to unite the art to the value of ANT par excellence, "the Eubiosia."

From the greek "eu" - good - and "bios" - life - "Eubiosia" is a term that represents the set of qualities that give dignity to life, that is, the "recognition and affirmation of their rights and those of others with Love" . A value which was recalled through thought - well heard in Umbria - Aldo Capitini. With a donation, visitors can support the Foundation ANT and take home a work of art. The initiative, sponsored by the Municipality of Perugia, Perugia Province and Chamber of Commerce of Perugia, in addition to actually collect the funds for prevention projects of the Foundation in Umbria, aims to raise community awareness about the Project Eubiosia ANT, designed to provide assistance socio-free home care for cancer patients (to date already guaranteed in 9 regions of Italy 24, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by a team of doctors, nurses and psychologists who provide the same high standard hospital at home of Suffering).

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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