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Friday 18 October 2024
Italiano English


Tools of democratic participation

Perugia (PG) - Saturday, June 29 from 17:30 in the garden Red Wine in Corso Garibaldi Ya Basta! Perugia (association of social promotion) will present the project of decentralized cooperation "Tools of democratic participation."

The post-revolutionary Tunisia still spans a period of uncertainty and high expectations when it becomes essential to support associations and the world of information favoring the process of freedom and democratic participation.

The "Tools for democratic participation" pay attention to the development of community media, ie independent from the logic of profit and conscious leadership of local communities, urban and rural areas that may play a central role in the changes taking place at the national level, ensuring adequate space of social and political freedom.

For the occasion was invited to Italy a delegation of media Tunisian with which to deepen the story of the hopes, experiences and contradictions of today's Tunisia, between authoritarian attempts imposed from above and search of freedom and democracy lived from below. "

The conference will:

- Lina Ben Mhenni
Tunisian blogger who, with his famous blog "A tunisian girl" picture was witnessed in the field of the Tunisian revolution that ousted Ben Ali and has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He participated in the festival Turin Book, 2013 edition.

- Slim Ayedi
Journalist, cyber-activist and blogger well known is responsible for training young people in social journalism through video making and new communication technologies. Founder of the Ass. Alternative Media and the Ass. Bornous.

- Darin Adibi
Activist of the Voix d'Eve, committed to promoting the participation of women in social Tunisian

Projected national premiere of the video "Caravan Libertè and Democratie", created by activists of Ya Basta! at the World Social Forum 2013 in Tunis.
A follow aperitif concert!

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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