Spoleto (PG) - Sunday, June 30 at 12 am, at the Teatro Caio Melisso of Spoleto will host the conference entitled The birth and death, as part of the 56th Festival of 2Mondi. These crucial issues will be addressed by a careful writer as Corrado Augias and a great scientist like Umberto Veronesi.
One of the areas in which science and technology have made the most progress in recent years is the biological one. These innovations that new discoveries have affected the economy, pharmacology, clinical surgery even expanding ethics. Increasingly it speaks of 'bioethics'. New interesting. It was the eighteenth century that science and philosophy had definitely taken different paths.
Today it is not so, just put back together science, bioethics and philosophy. The two fundamental moments of life, birth and death, have been profoundly modified, either one or the other can be manipulated or delayed (at least the vegetative life) by powerful machinery. Where does the science? Where to begin ethics?
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