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Thursday 02 May 2024
Italiano English


Girlfriend in a coma - Screening and discussion

Orvieto (TR) - Screening and discussion about the film "Girlfriend in a Coma" on Monday October 7 at the cinema course. The debate, in the presence of the authors, is moderated by Stephen Conrad, director of Articolo21.
The authors Bill Emmott and Annalisa Piras photographing our country in a documentary that raises questions about the political situation on the process of economic and social decline of the country in the previous two decades and the moral collapse that has hit Italy and which is not reflected in any 'other nation in the western world. 20:00 film screening, preceded by a welcome drink

The film, shot in Orvieto Pozzo di San Patrizio from the Duomo, has a scene divided into three parts: "The Italian mala", "Good Italian" and "The sloth", a tripartite division which corresponds to that hell-Paradiso- Purgatorio of Dante's Divine Comedy. To explain the contrast between "bad" and "good" Italian authors make use of illuminating interviews with various personalities from the world of politics,
economy and culture. including Roberto Saviano, Nicola Gratteri, Marco Travaglio, Giuliano Amato, Mario Monti, Sergio Marchionne, Nanni Moretti, Bruno Manfellotto, Matteo Renzi, Umberto Eco, Mario Calabresi, Elsa Fornero, Toni Servillo Zanardo, Emma Bonino, Emma
Marcegaglia, Susanna Camusso, Don Giacomo Panizza, Cristina Comencini, John Elkann, Carlo Petrini, Beppe Grillo.

Info: Course Multiplex Tel 0763.344655

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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