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Friday 26 April 2024
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Feast of Our Lady of the Port

Guardea (TR) - From 5 to 8 September many events planned for the celebration of Our Lady of Porto. Saturday 7 "Gringo" and his orchestra; Sunday 8 SHOW IN PLACE WITH "SUN MUSIC Orchestra" Removing an TOMBOLA OF € 1,300.00, followed by FIREWORKS.

"The True Faith in the True Church"

Thursday, September 5

21.00 S. Rosary for the whole Church

Catechesis: "The baptismal grace and our disobedience"

Friday, September 6

21.00 S. Rosary for humanity and suffering

Catechesis "Sin first cause of our problems"

Saturday, September 7

16.30 Confessions - S. Rosary and Blessing of Children

the term "NUTELLANDO" for them, with them and with them!

20.30 Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Porto

communities Guardea, Tongs, Montecchio Alviano and

Mass concelebrated by priests

Testimony to the unity of the church between neighboring dioceses and parishes

Sunday, September 8

7.30 Priest present and available to hear confessions

8:30 am Mass

11.15 am Holy Mass and Solemn Procession

accompanied by the Band of Guardea

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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