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Tuesday 21 May 2024
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A castle on the horizon

Sellano (PG) - "A Castle on the Horizon," This initiative involves a series of exhibitions and events taking place in Postignano in the month diGiugno 2013.
The Castle of Postignano, beautiful village thirteenth century located in the heart of the Nera Valley, abandoned in the early sixties because of emigration, has been the focus of a restoration project and philological restoration of the most interesting of the last decades, made with materials and techniques traditional.

June 15 \ concert \ 18.30
Church of SS. Annunziata
Concerto for piano
Alessandro Bistarelli
Music by: Clementi, Liszt, Scriabin

June 23 to 30
Synesthetic paths in the poetry of the senses
Church of SS. Annunziata

June 23 \ 19.30
Alexander Lonquich, Cristina Bearded (two pianos)
"I once said That it's not enough to hear the music, you must see it as well ..." (Igor Stravinsky)
Igor Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps; Claude Debussy: Nocturnes (Nuages ​​- Fêtes - Sirènes, Maurice Ravel: La Valse (poème chorégraphique pour orchester)

24, 25, June 26 \ hours 10.00-19.00
music workshop
The flats are blue
Laboratory of musical expression on the grammar of the ways in Debussy.
Aimed at musicians, actors, arteterapeuti and drammaterapeuti, psychologists.
edited by Alexander Lonquich and Cristina Bearded for Ormafluens

June 27
conversation and concert invitation
- 18.00
The Senses of Music
with Cristina Bearded, Richard Brunetti, Michael Horse, Carla Di Lena, Alexander Lonquich
- 19.30
Alexander Lonquich, Cristina Bearded piano 4 hands
program to define

June 27-30 \ hours 9:30 to 19:30
Master in Social Theatre of Sapienza University of Rome
by Cristina Bearded, Richard Brunetti, Michael Cavallo, Roberto Sestilli

June 28-29 \ 15.30 to 19.30
open rehearsals of the concert of Trio Ezio Bosso

June 30
lecture and concert
- 10.30
Play With The Walls
Ezio Bosso and David Tremlett
- 19.30
Ezio Bosso in Trio
And The Things That Remain (A Day in Another World)
Ezio Bosso (piano), James Agazzini (violin), Manuel Zigante (cello).

Tourist Service Associate
The area of ​​municipalities of the Nera Valley
Tel + 39 0743 7140 1 Fax +39 0743 76630
e-mail: info@iat.cascia.pg.it
web: www.lavalnerina.it

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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