Perugia (PG) - "Fresh, poetic and intense the new Romeo and Juliet by Davide Bombana view history Shakespearean emphasizing ties with the tragedies of today. In the background the true story of Admira and Bosko, Romeo and Juliet of Sarajevo, killed as they fled war and by conflicts between different religions. Bombana is the matter with sensitivity, relying on Prokofiev's music reworked in wisdom while retaining the pathos and develops the story through dance that has the advantage, rare these days, to synthesize in purity of gesture, with effective immediacy of the unfolding of the facts and the becoming of the passions, the troubles, the moods of the characters that run inexorably towards their destiny, and that race they raise unexpected emotions in us. " Motivation of the Jury for the Award Danza & Danza 2015 as the best Italian production
ballet in one act freely inspired by William Shakespeare
choreography and dramaturgy Davide Bombana
Music Sergei Prokofiev
lights Carlo Cerri
Saints Rinciari costumes
production Junior Balletto di Toscana
in collaboration with AMAT Regional Circuit of Brands
PERUGIA - Teatro Morlacchi - Fri 27 January, 2017 - 21 hours
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[Source: Umbria OnLine]