Spoleto (PG) -
After the successful edition in 2014 in collaboration with the Festival of 2Mondi of Spoleto, take over the assets of La MaMa Spoleto Open with the fruits of artistic residencies that are taking place in beautiful downtown La MaMa Umbria International, founded by Ellen Stewart in 1990 Projects residence arts are a very important moment for the city of Spoleto, as artists, after an intense period of work, have premiered the results of their work for a first direct confrontation with the public.
It starts on August 19 with a repeat on August 20th at 21:00, at the Shipyard Oberdan, with the result of the first artistic residence of the young group at the University of Lancaster South Carolina (USA) with the show "I AM HERE". An interdisciplinary project on the theme of freedom and civil rights, conceived and directed by university professor Marybeth Holloway and Andrew Paciotto, which in February 2014 had already carried out the first stage of the project at their university in Lancaster. While in this stage of Spoleto, were also involved some guys Spoleto who had previously participated in the workshop "Ready for Shakespeare", to provide both an opportunity for exchange and mutual enrichment. "I AM HERE" presents a work on the theme of civil rights, democracy and racism that comes from this group of young people who live in the heart of Western society, in South Carolina, one of the most conservative states in North America, where he had beginning of the American Civil War and where the practice of slavery has been preserved for longer, compared to other states. The performance consists of a collection of personal stories, ideas and experiences, pressing questions, historical information on the civil rights movement in America and other observations relevant to the present time. The result is a kind of docu-drama theater, which invites the audience to reflect on the current social situation and the concept of freedom.
Soon after, on 22 and 23 August at 21:00 Shipyard Oberdan the three outstanding dancers and choreographers American, Kristin Draucker, Marielis Garcia and Nicole Restani, the company Chimera Project, working to create the show "BLANK CANVAS". A blank canvas placed on the ground, defines the space of performance. The body of the dancers, leaving marks and traces on the canvas through the movements of the choreography. The dancers train the mind and body to be able to perform the choreography with precision and accuracy. However, the dancer is still a human being, then the dance is bound to clash with many variables, so that each performance is essentially unique and unrepeatable. In this way, in the course of the trials and the dancers create replicas whenever a picture with the similarities and differences that emerge with each repetition. Viewing dance in this way, you want to illustrate how the uniqueness of each creation is dependent on the beauty that emerges from the variables of the human element.
At the conclusion of this first summer cycle, 25 and 26 August always Shipyard Oberdan 21.00 will present the results of the artistic residency focused on the development of the show "LA URDIMBRE" based on the novel of the Mexican writer Fabiola Ruiz, during which the director Dora Arreola and his company Mujeres en Ritual of Mexico, will have the opportunity to work on research "From action sacred to the performance." Forgetfulness, memory, and the search for identity are the themes that are interwoven in "The Urdimbre", the story of a small mountain village where the inhabitants, without realizing it, are to lead a struggle between tradition and modernity, which can be a symbol of what is happening in different parts of Mexico and the world. The fact Urdimbre tells what happens in indigenous territories with the arrival of the culture of capital and how it is destroying the lives of its inhabitants. The show talks about the transition to modernity that sweeps customs and identity, this struggle between modernity and tradition, outlining a broader perspective on popular culture, including the role of women, machismo, religion, ways of speaking, habits and time management.
For more information:
La MaMa Spoleto Open www.lamamaspoletopen.net
La MaMa Umbria International www.lamamaumbria.org
Shipyard Oberdan - Piazza San Gabriel (next Justice of the Peace)
www.cantiereoberdan.org cantiere.oberdan@gmail.com