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Monday 13 January 2025
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The city of Corpus Christi

Orvieto (TR) - "THE CITY 'OF CORPUS CHRISTI" - SACRED ART - VISIONS OF THE FUTURE Meetings and conversations with people of faith and archaeologists of international renown, with the collaboration with RAI Cinema. From June 13 to 15 screenings of the documentary film on spirituality, Auditorium Foundation CRO.

June 13, 18:00 - Preview showing of the documentary film "Living Stones .. from Orvieto to Jerusalem", directed by Maurizio Panics, produced by Clipper Media in collaboration with RAI Cinema in association with ORP and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Orvieto. Speakers religious and journalism.
June 14, 11:00 am - Screening the documentary film "Rome, Jerusalem, the twin cities of Constantine." Speaker Claudio Ricci, President of the UNESCO World Heritage Towns - 15.30 - Projection documentary film "The Mountains of Jesus", says Charles Munns, a scholar of the places of faith and consultant ORP.
June 15, 11:00 - Screening of the documentary film "Weaving Peace in the Middle East", says Silvio Manglaviti - 15:00 - Screening of the documentary film "Three times Jerusalem", says Paul G. Von Caucci Saucken

Info: www.teatromancinelli.it e-mail: info@teatromancinelli.it - ​​Art Teatro Stabile of Innovation - Press & Communications Tel 0763.340422 - 338.9795570 Cell e-mail: promozione@teatromancinelli.it

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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