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Saturday 27 July 2024
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Presepe Easter at the Porziuncola

Assisi (PG) -

Since S. Francis of Assisi made ​​the first Christmas crib at Greccio in 1223, the representations of the Nativity of Jesus Christ developed everywhere in order to revive the Christian faith. His own words, with which he accompanied his intuition, is emblematic of its purpose : " I would like to represent the Child born in Bethlehem, and in some way see with our bodily eyes the inconveniences that you have found the lack of basic necessities for a newborn baby, as he was laid in a manger and as he lay on the hay between the ox and the donkey "(Thomas of Celano, First Life , XXX).

Hence the need of wanting to be in a vital and effective the person of Jesus, its history, recognized as saving by the Christians. This representation of the mystery of Christ also suggests the idea of a "crib" Easter . At the end of the Gospel and the Word of the Church do nothing but announce the Passover in a multiform. ( Kähler argued, in a phrase that has had great success, that " the Gospels are the story of the passion with an extensive introduction ") . Moreover, even in 'iconography dedicated to the incarnation of the Son of God, painters have often highlighted the Paschal Mystery, through a rich and varied symbolism.

Under these suggestions, the ' Opera of the Portiuncula has set up in the hall of St. Pius X in the Museum of the Portiuncula , a "crib" of Easter. It is a series of representations of episodes evangelicals, especially illustrates the path of the Lord towards Easter. The exhibition, rather the work, entitled " The Mysteries Saints ", was created by Max Lelli , and will be open to the public free of charge every day from 9.00 to 12.30 and from 15.00 to 18.00.

Press OFM Assisi
Piazza Porziuncola, 2
06081 Assisi-Santa Maria degli Angeli
T. 075/8051430
Fax 075/8051418

[Source: Umbria OnLine]


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