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Wednesday 08 May 2024
Italiano English


Music and Culture Festival in Orvieto-Sacred Cantata "With You"

Orvieto (TR) - Saturday, May 17th, at 21, will still be the masterpiece of Italian Gothic architecture, the cathedral of Orvieto, to host an event of the Festival, the execution of the Sacred Cantata "With You" with the orchestra Stradivari of Cremona and the Choir Polyphonic Cremonese.

The Cantata With You - Ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem - composed by Maestro Federico Mantovani at the invitation of the Bishop of Cremona Archbishop Dante Lafranconi for the closing of the Year of Faith, is a large fresco of music for soprano, tenor, narrator , chorus and orchestra. The lyrics are by Rev. Daniel Piazzi and Federico Mantovani. The book assembles texts ranging from the Liturgy Scripture, the writings of the Fathers of the Church (Augustine) pages converted to modern (Cardinal Newman, Peguy, Testori), the lyrical poets of priests (and Turoldo Rimaud) until the pages of men and women who have paid with their lives the testimony and religious affiliation (greek-catholic Bishop Romanian Ioan Ploscaru, the Dutch Jewish intellectual Etty Hillesum, a victim of the Holocaust, and the same St. Ignatius of Antioch, condemned to the beasts two centuries before the edict of Constantine).

For info and contacts

393 9034488 - Conchita De Luca - Press Office Orvieto Musica Festival and Culture

Teatro Mancinelli Press Office tel. 0763.531496

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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