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Tuesday 30 April 2024
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Umbria Estate

Assisi (PG) -

Assisi (Pg). From July 24th to 31st Assisi will be hosting the 19th edition of its Umbria Estate series of concerts featuring among the most prominent performers of classical music on a global scale. Among the highlights of this year’s festival will be the chance to listen to instruments that are not normally featured prominently in the mainstream concert repertoire, such as the harp (Emanuela degli Esposti), the accorcion (Roberto Fuccelli) and the trumpet (Davide Simoncini). Other big names on the programme include Elena Cecconi, Nora Cismondi, Roberto Giaccaglia, Emiliano Rodriguez and the clarinettist Piero Vincenti. Among the leading stars from abroad there area pianists Elena Ashkenazy and Serguej Milstein, Royal College of London conductor Robin O’Neill and a selection of promising young talent. The opening night concert will take place on July 24th in the Rocca di Assisi fortress, with the other concerts scheduled in the Sala Sant’Antonio all starting at 9.30pm.

Info: www.assisiumbriaestate.com, or call 333-8641202.

[Source: Umbria OnLine]


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