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Sunday 08 September 2024
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Trevi (PG) - What tell two bodies being, at the same time, the one the idea of ​​the future and the other that of the past? In Parkin'son interpreters are a therapist of 62 years, with no training in dance and a choreographer of 31 years: comparison of two generations, a father and his son to tell through the body. On stage at Clitunno Saturday, March 1, 2014, at 21.

Father and son D'Anna, as if they were coming from one of the stories of Lives of illustrious men of Joseph Pontiggia, explore their relationship on stage: a collection of personal events, dramatic or not, who find their testimony on the lines of the skin and the forms of two bodies connected by blood and its history. The curriculum vitae of the performers intersects the movement by creating a score that moves between theater and abstract where the disease by brand beyond limits. Julius meets dance to 10 years. He continued his studies in the Netherlands SNDO (School for New Dance Development) in Amsterdam. In 2012 the work of Giulio Dioraphte are awarded the prize during the Nederlandse Dansdagen and the prize "emerging author" Dance & Dance

concept and direction Giulio D'Anna
creation and performance of Julius and Stefano D'Anna
original music Maarten Bokslag
lighting design scenes and Theresia Knevel and Daniel Caballero

Project Award winner Balance Rome 2011

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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