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Friday 03 May 2024
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Sommelier of Extravergini

Spello (PG) - To gain expertise in a specific field agribusiness, the olive, has been designed in partnership with the City of Spello, the path to "Sommelier of extra virgin" that will take place in the Town Hall on 27 and 28 January 2014.

Sommelier of Extravergini is a training program initiated under the project sponsored by Cratia, body emanation of Confagricoltura Umbria, for the creation of professionalism linked to a balanced and sustainable development of the Valle Umbra and Sibillini. The project was conceived in response to the themes expressed in the notice of the association Valle Umbra and Sibillini - Gal, in implementation of the Rural Development Plan (RDP) for 2007-2013 - axis IV. Tourism, trade and production, natural resources and learning, in fact, are the areas of implementation of programs that address, from time to time, to operators of private businesses and public administration-, students and people with disabilities, with the aim of value, with an integrated model, the heritage of the Southern Apennines of Umbria and to encourage settlement on the territory of the new generations.

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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