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Saturday 27 July 2024
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Advanced Ski Mountaineering Course (SA2)

Foligno (PG) - From February 13 to 11 May 2014 will take place on the Course of Advanced Ski Mountaineering (SA2), organized and curated by the School Intersectional Umbra G. Vagniluca, with lectures and practical classes. PLEASE NOTE: Applications should be sent only in the period January 20 to February 8, by filling out a form available on the website of the School www.scuolavagniluca.it.

The course SA2 is an advanced-level course aimed at people who already have some experience ski mountaineering. Participants must have attended a course SA1, or have equivalent experience. The course includes teaching, through both theoretical and practical lessons and outputs on the ground, the basics to perform with reasonable assurance the activity of ski touring in the environment of high mountains and glacier. You make the progression of mixed terrain, ridges, glaciers and simple maneuvers are carried out self-rescue on alpine terrain. Particular attention is given to issues related to the winter mountains and the prevention of avalanche danger: mapping and orientation, snow and avalanches, preparation and conduct of the tour and with self-rescue transceiver.

Before attending this course it is essential to appear physically well trained and in possession of a good ski technique.
The Course Director has the authority to exclude students who were not considered suitable for participation in the course. This right may be exercised during the course of the same upon return half of the registration fee.
Students must strictly adhere to the provisions of the Director and his staff.
The School of Mountaineering and Ski-Mountaineering "G. Vagniluca "and the director does not assume any responsibility for accidents that occur during the course for failure on the part of the students, the provisions of the instructors.

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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