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Sunday 05 May 2024
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IV National Conference on Small Museums

Assisi (PG) - The small museums are different from large museums. It is not just a matter of size, space, and economic resources. The problem is much broader and the relationship with the local community, with the territory, the management and the professional profiles, the services offered to visitors, the exhibition methods, the role of the museum ... This will be discussed in the fourth National Conference of Small Museums which will be held in Assisi on 11 and 12 November 2013.

Museums welcoming:
a new management culture for small museums

open to all

First Day
Assisi, November 11, 2013

Ing Claudio Ricci, Mayor of Assisi
Giorgio Tonelli, Councillor for Culture of the City of Castenaso
Daniele Milan, Minister of Culture Amalfi
Luigi Tardioli, President CST

Introduced and coordinated by Gennaro Pisacane, Vice President of APM

16.00 First Session: The Scenario of Small Museums in Italy

"The Small Museums in Italy," Giancarlo Dall'Ara, President National Association of Small Museums
"The Museums District," Caterina Pisu, Research and Communications Coordinator National Association of Small Museums
"Small Museums Low Cost", Paul Desinano teacher CST

17:00 Second Session: Museums 2.0

"Digital for small museums," Giampaolo Proni - University of Bologna
"The Participatory Museum", Elisa Bonacini Archaeologist, PhD student in Humanities and Cultural Heritage at the University of Catania
"# Digital Invasions," Fabrizio Todisco

Second Day
Assisi, November 12, 2013


Introduction to work
Giorgio Gallavotti, The Museum of the button Santarcangelo

10:00 Third Session: Regulations and forms of financing for Small Museums

Standards for quality in Small Museums, Anna Buds
"The sources of funding for small museums," Lucia Galasso, director of the Museum of Rural Life and the Olive Pastena

11.00 Fourth Session: Managing a small museum. Experiences and Good Practices

"Setting up a small museum," Valeria Minucciani, Adjunct Professor of Equipment and Museology at the Politecnico di Torino ok
"Small Museums Angels for Travellers", prof. Stefano Council, University Federico II, Naples
"The experience of the House-museum of Calimera, Silvano Palamà

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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