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Thursday 25 April 2024
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Hot Diva

Magione (PG) - A quirky singing lesson turns into a shrewd musical recital of opera-parody, this is the plot of "Hot Diva" at the Mengoni Friday, February 28, at 21.

Professor Virginia The Castro, aka Hot Diva, soprano of international fame, accompanied on the piano by the virtuous Frau Inga Rottweiler, sets out the salient features of his method in a narrative voice and singing where the private life inevitably merges all ' art, involving the public in a whimsical and fun recital, where the protagonists admirably juggles between un'aulica musical interpretation, puns and jokes comedians, creating a spectacle provocative but polite. The music accompanying the recital are mainly drawn from the classical repertoire of opera, operetta: Puccini, Lehar, Ranzato, Lizst, Offenbach, Bizet, with some transcriptions of the original texts.

conceived, written and directed by Gabriella Zanchi
actress soprano Gabriella Zanchi
actress pianist Leonora Baldelli

a production Donca Divertimoce
- See more at: http://www.teatrostabile.umbria.it/spettacoli/calda-diva # sthash.rNEPOxSS.dpuf

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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