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Saturday 20 April 2024
Italiano English



Città della Pieve (PG) - From Friday 19 to Sunday, July 21 Città della Pieve Pieve hosting the event Horses, 2013, the eighth edition initiative that has been able to build a credible and spectacular historical event in equestrian background, under the patronage of the Municipality of Città della Pieve, the Province of Perugia and the Umbria Region.

Pieve Cavalli is above all a great festival dedicated to horses and riders, but it is also an exhibition of equestrian groups, which will be in the race to represent the historical traditions of the city of origin. Six groups will compete on the basis of the evaluation of various elements: adherence historical and commemoration, the relevance to the period costumes and equipment, the presentation of the gastronomic specialties of its territory.

The event is then ready for the leap represented by the 1st Championship Italian historical equestrian groups: parade and presentation ceremony of greeting Friday 19 at 18.30 in Piazza XIX June, Grand Gala on Saturday 20 at 22.30, with the start of the parade groups participants from Piazza XIX June of Piazza Plebiscito.

Alongside the Tournament of historical groups some initiatives, which will be inaugurated Friday 19: Palazzo della Corgna Photo Contest "Art, Architecture and Horses", divided into three sessions, with tavernas Terzieri, the challenge of the groups participating in the tournament through the flavors, with tasting tour of the typical dishes of the place of origin, which will be one of the elements for scoring. In Via Vannucci, from Friday afternoon to open the Competition showcases inspired by the equestrian world. At 21.30, still on Friday 19 evening themed "The Dance and the Horse" at the Circle MCL.
Saturday morning will be devoted to the presentation of historical events and the diversity of the territories of origin of the groups participating in the Tournament. At 18:00, the field of Pineta, demonstration of the races inherent in the tournament and try for the Italian Championship Tournament Fitetrek Ante.
The Game of the Rose and the Duke Ascanio, perpetual governor of Castel della Pieve
Sunday, July 21 at 11.00 in Piazza Plebiscito parade and ceremony of the tournament and the photo contest; grand finale at 18.00, with the Game of the Rose, comparison spectacular and eventful which has its origin in the ancient medieval competitions: a tough test for the horses, in which win the dexterity and balance of the rider and his ability to find the maximum harmony with the horse, who is called to move with speed and immediacy.

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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