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Friday 14 February 2025
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Bread Ham and Fantasia 2013

Preci (PG) - A Preci Saturday 29 and Sunday, June 30 will host the XIII edition of "Bread Ham and Fantasy" Review food and wine in the cellars of production of the famous prosciutto di Preci.

The event attracts many visitors and includes seminars with the presence of authorities and experts. In the corners and squares of the town, numerous stands invite the visitor to follow an itinerary characteristic that allows you to admire the beauty of the place, rich in history.

An optimal climate and hard work made with manufacturing techniques handed down from one generation to another, are the elements that led to the "quality" of cured ham, so as to persuade the EU to grant him the Protected Geographical Identification that protect not only the quality, but also the ancient culinary tradition of the "butchery".

For more information:
City of Preci - tel. 0743.937808

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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