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Thursday 25 April 2024
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Marvel in Umbria: Living art: the palaces of the family during the Renaissance in Umbria

Perugia (PG) - Thursday, February 27th as part of the project marvel at the conference will take place in Umbria - Living art: the palaces of the family during the Renaissance in Umbria. 17.30 Library San Matteo of the Armenians. Speaker Dr. Sara Borsi, art historian and professor - Free admission

Marvel in Umbria in collaboration with Library San Matteo degli Armeni, invites you to attend the conference of the art historian Sara Borsi that will lead us in the private residences of the great families of the Renaissance in Umbria. Against the backdrop of intrigue and family relationships, will be taken in reviewing the great masterpieces that still stand out on the frescoed halls of the palaces Vitelli of Città di Castello, Castello buffalo in San Giustino Umbrian Villa Passerini in Cortona, the Palaces of Corgna in Castiglione del Lago Città della Pieve, and more.

For information or 347-60.52.993 meravigliarti.inumbria @ gmail.com

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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