Spoleto (PG) - Families Back to Art, the educational project organized by the Museum System aimed at children aged between 4 and 11 years and their parents and grandparents. Sunday, February 9, 2014 will be held a meeting entitled "PARTS CRAZY".
The schedule for the fourth edition includes 6 appointments inspired, on the one hand the desire to enhance the cultural heritage of the city of Spoleto, the magnitude of which allows each year to deal with different topics and the other, respect for the environment and the consequent use of recycled materials for the realization of artistic laboratories.
For participation there will be a fee of € 8.00 per child (free for accompanying adults)
A reservation is required.
To register please contact the secretariat of
Museum System - Educational Services:
Tel. 0743/46434
spoleto@sistemamuseo.itfacebook: Families with Spoleto Arts