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Tuesday 23 April 2024
Italiano English


Tribute to Mario Cup

Perugia (PG) - From 25 July to 18 August at the CERP of the Rocca Paolina you can admire the exhibition "Homage to Mario Cup: Selection of twentieth-century works from the Collection Straka-Cup". The event takes place within the event "Friend Framework". PROROGATA FINO AL 1 SETTEMBRE.

The exhibition program "Dude framework" includes two exhibitions, in their integrated conceptually define the landscape of the bond between the Province of Perugia and its artistic heritage furniture, made of acquisitions and donations took place during the years under the policies gradually put in act for goods and cultural activities.

MARIO COPPA (Turin 1923 - Spello 1999) was a distinguished historian of urbanism. With the 'Tribute to Mario Cup are ordered to Cerp works which for many years have had in Villa Fidelia their appointed place as a result of the donation made by Mario Cup to the Province in 1985


OPENING HOURS Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 to 19:00





cultura@provincia.perugia.it - ​​www.provincia.perugia.it







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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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