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Tuesday 23 April 2024
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Enough! Meeting on gender violence

Marsciano (PG) - Monday, July 8th at 21:00 at St. John the square, there will be a lecture entitled "Enough!": A public meeting to stop gender-based violence. We will take part in the President of the Umbria Region and the Mayor Alfio Marini Catiuscia Todini.

The theme of the fight against gender-based violence is at the center of an awareness-raising action that the City Council of Marsciano intends to pursue through the involvement of the local community from institutions and associations. "Time Enough!" Is the title of the appointment that can count on the collaboration of the Centre for Equal Opportunities of the Region of Umbria. Raising the awareness on the cultural front will also be supported by a more efficient network of social services, health and welfare, already present in the area, and able to respond to victims of violence. Will be an opportunity for an open discussion on these issues at all.

Info: City of Marsciano, Mayor Office 075 8747233

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]


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