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Thursday 25 April 2024
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Museums LIVE 2014: peculiaris east Tudernis. The cultivation of the grape and wine production in Todi from ancient times to today

Todi (PG) - "Living Museum" is a series of meetings on topics of local history, from ancient times to the Middle Ages to contemporary times, to the modern and contemporary art organized by the Cultural Department of the City of Todi and the direction of the Museum of the Circuit Town of Todi and the Municipal Historical Archive that this year sees the collaboration of the Institute of Higher Education "Ciuffelli-Einaudi" and dell'Etab "The Consolation."

Wednesday, February 26, at 16:30 at the Museum and Gallery, will be the turn of dr. Stephen Long and Dr. Tiziana Capriotti, both archaeologists and researchers at the Institute for Archaeological and Monumental Heritage of CNR, with the conference "peculiaris east Tudernis. The cultivation of the grape and wine production in Todi from ancient times to today, "that will illustrate the origins of a millenary practice which still constitutes the excellence of Todi territory according to optical based on the study of historical sources and the analysis of place names.

City of Todi
075.8956216 - 393.0068494

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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