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Tuesday 17 September 2024
Italiano English


X Review of the Nativity

Cascia (PG) - From 'December 8, 2013 19 January 2014 will be held the X Review of the Nativity. The cribs in Cascia, an initiative proposal for the tenth consecutive year, has had and is having great public consensus. Nativity scenes of all types and sizes, winding between churches, wineries and places of the historical center of the city of Santa Rita.

And so running through the streets, alleys or shops of Cascia, where you can admire many, is at the same time easy to be able to understand the true message of the crib. The cribs are exposed to all types and of different materials, from the traditional ones, to those made with the hook, with the ice, with pasta, with bread, with the glass, with the fabric or inside baskets Wicker or tanks full of water. Thanks to the work of the municipality, private citizens, schools, senior centers, the artists, the Augustinian Community, Together for the association, but especially to the local branch of the "Moica" and the association "Friends of the Crib Fabio Carbonari" , the latter will set up in addition to the already known monumental nativity scene, a Christmas tree and a further artistic nativity scene in front of the church of San Francesco. Also this year, Cascia wanted to send a good sign of love and peace through the crib. On the same day, December 8, the lights will be lit in the streets of the city.

For more info: Pro Loco of Cascia-Roccaporena - Cell 331 4548029 - 333 5253884

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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