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Thursday 25 April 2024
Italiano English


The application deadline to access the funds earmarked for vulnerable families

Spello (PG) - It 'been fixed for February 28 before the deadline for the submission of applications for access to regional funds reserved for vulnerable households, which are more exposed to the risk of poverty and hardship. Have access to public benefits households meet the requirements that are specified in the public notice that you can see on the portal of the town of Spello.

The application must be received in the following ways: hand-delivered to the door of the Citizen; mailed to the following address: Town of Spello - Social Services Office - Via Garibaldi 19-06038 - Spello (PG), sent via Certified Mail (Pec) at: comune.spello @ postacert.umbria.it, the application must be submitted using the appropriate form must be downloaded from the forms section or available at the offices of Citizenship.

For more information and for help in the compilation of to-morrow you can contact the Office of Citizenship at the Health Centre, or by appointment to be arranged by phone

with the social worker Simona Stronach at 0742 302016.

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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