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Thursday 25 April 2024
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"L’Arte è Mobile 2010" Mock Antique Furniture Fair in C. di Castello

Città di Castello (PG) - Città di Castello (Pg). This year’s edition of the Arte è Mobile furniture fair will run from April 23rd to May 2nd, offering visitors to Città di Castello a chance to look closely at the city’s fabled mock antique furniture creations – a craft that has been cherished by a number of local craftsmen families for over a century.

Exhibitions, events, workshops and a host of other initiatives have been scheduled, both for visitors and for those working in the cabinetmaking field.

This highly specialised local industry began to flourish in earnest after World War Two, thanks to the vocation of a local antique dealer who came up with the idea of using pieces from scrap yard antiques and reworking them into new pieces of furniture. Over the past fifty years the industry has developed into one of the most lucrative sectors of the local economy.
Info: www.lartemobile.com.

[Source: Umbria OnLine]


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