Narni (TR) - Saturday, June 29, 2013 at 20:00, at the Sala San Juvenal, the Cultural Association presents the event Matavitatau Global Food not globalized. The intercultural dinner with foods from different food traditions of the planet involves, in addition to members Matavitatau, some students of Italian as a second language, in order to create a 'level of contact and exchange between cultural realities are not homogeneous.
The evening-for which booking is required, due to limited places-will be an opportunity to learn about foods from different countries of the students, along with the recipes of the Italian regional tradition.
The association, which promotes activities aimed at the rediscovery of the Latin roots of Italian identity, social aims also the dissemination of culture and the teaching of the Italian language based on the communicative approach and on practical techniques that involve language acquisition ' whole personality of the student, enhancing the cognitive abilities of the senses. The method adopted in this teaching approach, it stimulates the student's personality as a whole, so that the logical size, the affective and sensory, are involved in the acquisition of language and culture.
For more information:
+39 329 6161471
+ 39 339 7807 729