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Thursday 25 April 2024
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Los Guardiola Tango Querido

Amelia (TR) - Entertainment consists of numbers of tango and mime inspired by the lyrics of the most famous tangos at the Teatro Sociale Thursday, March 13, at 21. Opening one of the most characteristic and oldest of the tango, that of the busker of organito who, along with a mechanical doll, spread the tango in the streets of Buenos Aires.

From here we move to the bigger picture of arrabalero "34 stab wounds," populated by thugs and traitors, and eventually reached acclaim French tango with the latter, triumphing in the cabarets of Paris, also won high society, then we arrive at under the great immigration to Argentina with his journey and his dreams, not to mention what continues to be even today the vital nerve of the tango that is the nocturnal world of the milongas. Looks like a world populated by thugs, prostitutes, street musicians, migrants, milongueros, very rich people and very poor people, people of the night in short, in a word for people tango.

by and with Marcelo Guardiola
and Giorgia Marchiori "Los Guardiola"

production Los Guardiola
- See more at: http://www.teatrostabile.umbria.it/spettacoli/tango-querido # sthash.fZ2naCh1.dpuf

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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