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Thursday 25 April 2024
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Theatre Award RENATO Brogelli

Terni (TR) - The East District of the Municipality of Terni, New Town Theatre Company of Terni and the Umbria UILT organized for the summer 2014, the fifth edition of the National Festival of Theatre - prize "RENATO Brogelli."
The event is open to all amateur companies, resident in the national territory, with works in dialect, preferably unpublished authors of Italian living.
Each company will not be able to enroll in the Review more of a work.
Will be accepted for review, after the phases of selection made by special commission, no. 6 (six) among those companies who have submitted the application form.

The application form will have to be sent, no later than July 10, 2014 (as attested by the postmark), by registered A / R, in New City Theatre Company of Terni - Via Fratelli Rosselli, 11 - 05100 Terni

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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