Città della Pieve (PG) -
Isola Fosara (Pg). On May 1st Isola Fossara will be holding its Domenica delle Ciambelle through the streets of the old city centre, with traditional home-fried fritters served to all as a way of welcoming in the coming spring. Read more
Gualdo Tadino (PG) -
Gualdo Tadino (Pg). Organised twice a year, in the autumn and the spring, the "Tra le Fonti di Gualdo" event showcasing all the many different quality crafts of the Gualdo area will run in the strees and squares of the old town centre on May 1st. Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. On May 2nd at 2.15pm the "Mafie e antimafie" course continues with a lecture entitled "La Convenzione dell’ONU sulla criminalità transnazionale" given by Prof. Focarelli. In the Aula Magna of the political sciences faculty of the University of Perugia. Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. From May 2nd to 30th in the Auditorium of the Luca Marenzio music school there will be weekly classes on photography for the music world conducted by Valeria Pierini.
Auditorium della Scuola di Musica "Luca Marenzio", Via Morettini 27/a, Perugia. Read more
Città di Castello (PG) -
Città di Castello (Pg). Entitled “Gelo”, the new solo show of works by Florentine artist Luca Alinari will run from April 23rd to June 23rd at Palazzo Vitelli alla Cannoniera (Pinacoteca Comunale). Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. On May 2nd at 4pm the Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria will be hosting the conference entitled " Un episodio perugino di dispersione del patrimonio artistico italiano: la vendita della collezione Conestabile della Staffa". Speaker: A. Pantò.
Free admission. Read more
Narni (TR) -
Narni (Tr). On May 2nd at 5pm in the Aula San Domenico C.R.I.S.U. (Centro di Ricerca in Sicurezza Umana) in collaboration with A.I.S.I.S. (Associazione Italiana Scienze per l’Investigazione e la Sicurezza) have organised the "Criminologia e investigazione" study seminar.
Prof Maria Caterina Federici
Director of CRISU
Francesco Sidoti
Professor of Italian sociology and criminology. Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. On May 2nd at 10.15am the "Etica pubblica e lotta alla corruzione" course continues with the lecture entitled “La trasparenza nelle scelte pubbliche" given by Prof. Merloni. In Aula 5 of the political sciences faculty of the University of Perugia. Read more
Torgiano (PG) -
Torgiano (Pg). On May 2nd at 6pm in the Tre Vaselle Resort (Via Garibaldi 48) there will be a presentation of the book by Antonio Caprarica entitled C´era una volta in Italia. In viaggio fra patrioti, briganti e principesse. Andrea Jengo (RAI) and Anna Maria Romano (Sperling&Kupfer editore) will be talking to the author.
Fre admission. Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. The 33rd edition of the international American studies conference organised by the Centro Studi Americanistici "Circolo Amerindiano" Onlus under the patronage of the President of the Republic will run over 22 sessions from May 2nd to 9th. Read more