Scheggino (PG) -
Scheggino, one of Umbria's best preserved hamlets, was built between the 11th and 12th century and was of strategic importance for the powerful Duchy of Spoleto. Among the attractions and sights worth seeing are the ruins of the ancient fortress, the Church of San Nicola. This town is known for its white and black truffles, trout fishing and varied cuisine.
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Scheggia (PG) -
Scheggia (PG). On November 11th Isola Fossara will be celebrating its patron saint, St Martin, on his feast day, with roast local chestnuts and the year's new wine for all at the town's former school building. Read more
Terni (TR) -
Terni. Renowned Italian stage actress Monica Guerritore will be in the lead role of Dall'Inferno... all'Infinito, the inaugural production of the Teatro Secci, on December 11th and 12th at 9pm. Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. Ciformaper has scheduled to launch its series of fortnightly evening encounters on November 11th at 8.30pm in Via Enzo Valentini 4, Madonna Alta, Perugia. The meetings are free of charge but advance booking is appreciated. Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. On November 11th from 8.30 to 10.30pm Francesco Delicati will be conducting a discussion on Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being. At Ciformaper, in Via Enzo Valentini 4, Madonna Alta - Perugia. Read more
Avigliano Umbro (TR) -
Avigliano Umbro (Tr). From November 11th to 14th visitors to Avigliano will be able to taste the year's fresh new wine at the Vino Novello festival organised by the Pro Loco Avigliano. Read more
Assisi (PG) -
Assisi (Pg). From November 11th to 14th the Sacro Convento will be hosting the second edition of the national meeting for sacred music professionals, with the title “Il cantico delle Creature di San Francesco”. Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. On November 11th at 6pm the choir of the Varna State Opera will be performing in the Cathedral of San Lorenzo. The programme includes Orthodox sacred music. Read more
Assisi (PG) -
Assisi. On November 11th at 9pm the choir of the Varna State Opera will be performing in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli. The programme includes Orthodox sacred music. Read more
Foligno (PG) -
Foligno (Pg). On November 11th from 9.30am Palazzo Trinci will be hosting the ethics and economics conference entitled “Etica degli interessi economici e dinamica delle opinioni”. Read more