Orvieto (TR) -
Orvieto (TR). Until November 13th the Museo Opera del Duomo will be running a show devoted to the architect who designed the Duomo of Orvieto, Lorenzo Maitani, as part of the celebrations to mark the 700th anniversary of the refounding of the city's legendary cathedral. Along with Maitani's original drawings of the facade - probably among the oldest existing architectural designs in the world - there will be a rich collection of archive documentation and a number of artworks from the ... Read more
Orvieto (TR) -
Orvieto (Tr). This year's edition of the Festival Valentiniano continues on October 18th at 6.30pm in the Ridotto Teatro Mancinelli with a recital given by soprano Joo Cho and pianist Maurizio Carnelli. Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. This year's edition of the Perugia Science Fest, with an ever broader programme of shows, laboratories, demonstrations, exhibitions and concerts all revolving around the concept of encouraging greater public attention - particularly among the young - towards scientific issues and topics, will run in Perugia from October 22nd to 24th. Read more
Assisi (PG) -
Assisi (Pg). The Laboratorio Ecologico di Geo-Paleontologia of Assisi has scheduled a week of scientific information from October 18th to 24th, with debates, meetings and conferences open to the public - chiefly schoolchildren.
All events will take place in the Aula Magna of ITIS "Marco Polo", Santa Maria degli Angeli, and in the council chamber of the Comune di Bastia Umbra. Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Umbria. As from October 19th a total of 600 typical Italian chickens, which include Barrata and Gigante Nero - known for their tasty meat but fallen virtually into total disuse because of their low productivity in terms of modern insentive farming methods - have been reared free range across the region, with the idea of encouraging private individuals to buy and rear them again.
The project has involved a number of restaurants and chicken farmers across the region. Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. From October 20th to 26th the Teatro Morlacchi will be running Molière's Il Malato Immaginario, adapted into Italian in a new production by the Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria with Gabriele Lavia. Read more
Norcia (PG) -
Norcia (Pg). Up until December 19th Sibillini Adventure willl be running its Nordic Walking course held by qualified experts in the field. Read more
Orvieto (TR) -
Orvieto (Tr). This year's edition of the Festival Valentiniano continues on October 20th, with a conference held by Walter Branchi at 10.30am in the Ridotto Teatro Mancinelli followed by an audition in the Church of Sant'Andrea at 12 noon. Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. As part of the events organised for this year's edition of the Perugia Science Fest, on October 20th at 5pm the Sala delle Colonne of Palazzo Graziani will be hosting a conference on the Green Economy with entrepreneur Gianluigi Angelantoni, journalist Antonio Cianciullo and researcher Helios Vocca. Read more
Norcia (PG) -
Norcia (Pg). On October 21st at 10.30am in the Sala del Consiglio Maggiore there will be the conference entitled “Lo Statuto di Norcia del 1526 – Gli Statuti Comunali tra storia locale e storia nazionale”, organised by the Comune di Norcia and the Deputazione di Storia Patria per l'Umbria. Read more